February Favorites

Introducing: my monthly favorites! As I love a good & trusted recommendation from someone- I’m going to share some of the things that I’ve been loving lately, in case you might love them too! These recommendations will include resources that I’m sharing with my clients and friends, books I’ve been reading (both professional and for fun), hobbies that I’ve been loving, and some items that I find useful for mental health, parenting, or just for fun.

Please note that some of the items may include affiliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you use the link to purchase the item yourself. Know that I’m only recommending items that I actually use and love!

Mental Health

I recently finally got around to reading Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Adults - and it’s a good one! If you find yourself struggling in your relationship with your parents, have a history of attachment wounds from childhood, or just feel like your parents aren’t aligned with your own goals around growth and personal development- this book may shed some insight. As a therapist who specializes in attachment trauma, this book has resonated with so many of my clients, and has been sitting on my shelf for far too long!

You can find a list of my top mental health book recommendations here, these are the ones that I find myself recommending to clients over and over again!

Rounding off my mental health recommendations- I’ve got to plug my podcast, Ground & Grow. This year, I’ve been staying consistent with weekly episodes and having fun sharing some Reddit stories and related psychoeducation. Give it a listen and share it with someone else who would enjoy it too!


My toddler is currently in the early stages of potty training- and whenever we are going through a developmental transition I find that books can be a fun way to help her understand what’s going on. Potysaurus and Potty Time with Bean (Ms. Rachel stan over here!) are a couple of our favorites.

Speaking of books for developmental changes- I love a good book to help me to learn more and feel confident in parenting through different transitions. We use gentle/respectful parenting, and I enjoy Janet Lansbury’s work. So, as we entered toddlerhood, I read her book, No Bad Kids, and have recently re-read it as we navigate all of those typical boundary challenges that come with raising a two-year-old!

Here in Minnesota, we’ve had a lot of really cold days. Which means, we’ve been stuck inside more than we’d like. Magnatiles are always a favorite that can keep us all entertained during those long afternoons- find a couple of our favorite sets here.


As spring is around the corner, I’ve been trying to channel some good chicken energy with these socks- hoping to motivate my chickens to get back into laying eggs. I mean, have you seen the egg prices lately?! I think these are too cute- even if you don’t have chickens!

You can find some of my other favorite clothing items here- including my fave A&F curve love jeans. Who would have thought I’d be wearing Abercrombie and Fitch in my 30s?? But, after searching for a good high rise jean for my very pear-shaped frame, I’m basically living in these (when I’m not wearing leggings of course!).

These past few months I’ve really been leaning into my hobbies. It gives me a way other than social media to distract from the chaos of the world around me. Some of my top recent hobbies have been crocheting, reading, and as weather permits- being outside. As for reading, I’ve had the Libby app for a while (where you can get e-books and audio books from your local library), but haven’t jumped into it as so many of the books I wanted to read were more current and had a long waitlist. But, as I’ve been doing some more reading (or, listening to audiobooks if you like to differentiate), I’ve really gotten into Libby!

It’s helped me to read some of the therapy books that have been on my shelf for too long, since it’s often easier for me to listen to a book and multitask than to sit down and read it during the day. So, there’s your pro-tip of the day if you have some unread books on your shelf too!

Looking for more recommendations?

I’ve got a list of several of my favorite items for mental health, parenthood, and lifestyle over at my ShopMy account. Again, some (not all) of these are affiliate links, but they’re all my tried and true recommendations!


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